Pyle Sports PSNKW30 Manual Download Page 12

Summary of Contents for PSNKW30

Page 1: ...urred in returning items for repair A letter stating your exact street addres daytime phone number and the problem you are experiencing should be included You must also enclose a copy of the original receipt a sproof of date of purchase Monday Through Thursday gAM to SPM Friday gAM to 1PM Eastern ...

Page 2: ...IRd til rr r r 011 hw tch xI PtM jIn p b nc A I DPOIIng the wattn to fXII Wne oondllol ll for an un ble time Ind IMIId IOlJIIiIh _ or _re imjlllct1l on 1M w tdI I IWCOITImanded to compl IMtt1Iry ItIpIaoemlnl by a oartllliid lYle a nay t u this will en Wllter proof ItandIwd lui on DIM wMch a n tM PIf tIcUIr on the t ck d the w ot will soft DO NOT expoM w tch to Ilrong c hemic eII such as ga olln an...

Page 3: ... I To ching th lub fundion dif play of Cu m Tim Moda I To Mlact drv cord In Ow lUcan Mod DewniRMlll n IDI To ahow tha Cllly Alarm J rt n Is f 1I Iu or da_ Ih llIi h To cI lila Wllu tor lila Chronogl llph and Countdown Ti r To Mlact drv cord In Ow lWean Mod EL ButlMl EL 1g t T u n r rO F MCOnd to 1111 the auto To tum on the EL b ck light for about 3 IlOOnd AuklBull llglIt Whan Aula Backlight II ut ...

Page 4: ...3 0 Major FunctIon Modes Dive Mod DiY d par than orlqUII to1 5m Dive Ihlllowllrthin 1 5m DUll Tim Mod 1 1 Current Tim Mod Countdown Timer Mod Chronograph Mod II Jor Function lod ...

Page 5: ...lMunction 01 1a P the I button will ch ng the MJb r J I th o 3 ru c dilg m Th lit row of dl pl y will how the Da of w ak or the current IImpel1ltll a Th 2nd row will ba tlw current lim The 3rd row will ahow the Second or Oall Alarm Dlapla a Pre the D button will dillpl the Alarm lim until tlia OJ button i 1 1 n D Kre 1oa mfo n m diIPII Pleue re r to the Chapter 1 2 for more lfIIil on rm lim tting ...

Page 6: ...or decreaM Ihe numb r I chang lI1e Mtllng hold down Ihl bullon 10 chlngl II al a hlghlr peed I Whl n thl cond digiti start flHhlng P 1111 lUI or 10 button 10 etlo zaro I Whln 1111 HIP Kay Ionl i HI ON Ihl will be a b p lOund wh n I key I p MM I If hI chiml Hourly Chimlj illlurnid ON 11 th Wllch will be p onca IVIry hour I Whln Ihl HIIing il complllld hold 1111 1M bullon for 2 aconda 10 IxIt thl tt...

Page 7: ...fluhlng following the dJ cenl dlqlllm to elect among different IIttlngl During mlnut or hour I nuhlng p the U or 0 button to InorMM or decre 1 the number hold down the button to chenge the number at a higher IPled When ON or OFF I fluhlng pili the IU or 0 button to turn ON OFF thl dilly alarm When the tting i ocmplet d hold the 1M button for 2 lCOndl to Ixlt thl IIttlng dl play If thelll i NO key ...

Page 8: ...e 99 hou 59 mlnutel Ind 69 119 condl How to U I the Chronogl1lph I Whln thl Chronogl1lph DilpllY i Ieet PI1lN thl UI button to t rt thl chronogreph P UI eglin to Stop counting I Whln the chronogl1lph I running PI III thl D button wiD fnllZI thl oounting di play for UHr to take Iplll tlml NOTE Whln thl D button il p d thl chronogl1lph II Itlll running I Pre the D button eglin to relume the running ...

Page 9: ...ura 61 rNntn s and 58 S Pt 1I lUI 10 llart countlnll tI_ II tItopped Of 1M counting trhIfI 1M IIIMr ill rumlng DurintI countinv It wab h wi bM9 for 30 wtt n dvMn 10 QIf O When It IlIn counll Iv QIf O II 1 t 1II It InItIeI y of thI tIIJVIol tm MltomaUOIJy How ta It tH nr r PrMI IN 10 button to 11M till and IWIoMI tIM t uet tim kI lniti Ylliue wh tIM II IkIpp coun ng ...

Page 10: ...ha Hour digit Will I1art na hlng I In 11lng dl play prtl thl M button 10 move the flalhing following the adjacent diagrtlm to Iactamong dllTlrtlnt a1tlng I When thl digit artl nashing pms the UI or D button 10 Inere or dlr rN tha number hold down the button to changl the number at hlghlr plldj I When Ihl MtIing i oompllted hold thl 1M button for 2 acond to pit the lilting dl pl y If thlrtl i NO ke...

Page 11: ...and then tha Minute dillit will tart fla hinll In ttlnll dl play p the M button to move the flashing followinll the adjao nt diallram to I ct amonll dlfl erent ettlnll When Hour or Minute is flashinll press the lUI or D button to Inere e or deere the number hold down the button to changa the number t higher peed When the tting i complmd hold th M button for 2 cond to exit the aettlng dl play If th...

Page 12: If u u IW end tM ievellIj pI OKimalllly to 1 5 m 4 82 It I When the u_ emelllN and rely to ho _t lev Ipprmtn t ly kl1 5 m 4 e z It Normal Mod will b Mum d lutornilically Whln the 01 11 Mod appelr th following Information wi bl dl played 1 the Current_ler depth 2 the Current _terhomptol1llure 3 the Dive StatLR Indlemur and 4 the E ed Ow Tim 5 CUl IW1tTlme Dllplay OpUonlll NOTE Current Tim Cllple...

Page 13: ...e Indicator If till u r Imlrgel to 1111 WIlier I_I at I peed ofllmfmln or hlgher llIll indicalorwillappelrand nllh WARNING K MI Imlrg too hUN 10 thl tor 1 1 thl luddln ehange of Wllter PI NIMI will 1M IMIrrnful to hUllMln body Therefore tllil WlIIch will 11er u r with beep lOund II uler Imlrgel f tor thin e mlmln S Inll LIn DIw Thl Witch cln work lither In e MIter or t h Wllter S t SEA for wlter d...

Page 14: ...h or d p r the fallawlng Information wlU b Iored rscord Into th W Ich 1 The ElapMld Cive Time 2 Th Maximum Rsach d W tt h o pth 3 Th Minium W tarTMTl rw ture during divs 4 The Starung TIme and Cate of the dive lind 5 Dive Site InformaUan U r e n Iore up 10 100 dlvs record nd u r elln reellil theM dlye reoard In II latar d y NOTE Ch ck Ih Chaptar 9 0 for more d il of how 10 II dive I KOrd ...

Page 15: ...rqnl dm until C or F II nuhlng During on of thl lting i fl hing lleted p hi lUI or 0 button to chIng the Mttinll Whln the Cu nt 11m DI pl In 01 Mod i Nt ON thl W tch will display the curr nt tlms for 1 cond for _ry cond during Diving Whln thl tt1ng I eompl d hold thl 1M button for 2 cond to axil thl tting dl pIIY If th I NO y troh for 1 mimn thl WIItch will 1110 oil thl tting dllpllY lutomatleally...

Page 16: ...t tti r 3 SIINtI I 0 110 4 DIvIo 8 Indalor DIapI8y J 5 Minium w r T peI IItIn II Mu l1TIUIII Dive Depth 7 Elapnd DIvIo 11m How to It oorcl Hold down hI WI bliltan far 2 NCO 1lI IKt d l llng hI CURRINT cord Pra U or 0 10 I et Y S or NO nd hold MIlD GOnflrm Hold down til WI button for 4 conde to I n d l llng Ih PREVlOU rtoC otd p U or 0 10 I et YES or NO nd hold 1M til confirm Hold down th W buttan ...

Page 17: ...Mp for 3D ucondl will DClunldown to nra s orLaed l1ng AulorMlclll y K t yIM ductlVII DIw Mode wtwl ubln or va 1 5m of deopth Current Divi clur lon Depth nd Wat r temperature eli plly Depth Unit mirier or Met Mlectllble Olpth r olulion a lm I 0 1 fI Maximum O pth 100m 1 328ft DiYI Alarm whln Imlrt f t r thin 8m mlnut AII10rMIc DIn log r nary T O Unit C F RMoIution 1 C t to C to tiO C I tn to l4O F ...

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