Nixie Tube Clock ‘Halo Chroma’
Issue 1 (1 April 2021)
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6.8 RGB1 – RGB6 (APA106 RGB LED).
Be sure you have done the neon test as per 6.7.
Also, install each RGB LED one at a time, and after
soldering, power up the clock without the tubes in. The
neons should light and the LED should cycle through various
colours. By doing this, you can be sure there are no solder
bridges before moving to the next RGB LED. Don’t press any
buttons, or the clock will exit this cold start LED (and tube)
testing cycling.
Insert the LED into large hole in the LED jig, noting the position of
the flat on the LED body. Bend the LED leads in two steps as
shown below, The leads of the LED may have a different length
configuration than shown below.
Then install the RGB LED from the back of the PCB, and solder
from the front of the PCB. Clip off the excess leads.
6.9 DEKA (3 way 0.1” male header)
This part is optional, it only needs to be soldered if you intend to
use our DekaDuo double Dekatron Driver Board with this clock.