The safety of the equipment is assured only on the condition that it is carefully inspected every two weeks for any signs of damage
and/or wear. Replace defective or worn components immediately or alternatively remove the equipment from service.
Work on the equipment by persons unauthorised by Technogym invalidates the warranty.
The equipment should always be kept clean in accordance with normal hygiene and sanitary rules.
Clean the padded parts using a damp cloth or sponge and neutral soap.
Every week clean all the external parts with a damp sponge.
Technogym Technical
Support Service
tel: 0547 650650
fax: 0547 650150
email: [email protected]
Disposing of the equipment
Always make sure that the equipment cannot become a hazard in any way, and do not leave it in places where children play.
Disposing of the equipment on open ground, in public areas, or in private areas used by the public is prohibited.
The equipment is made of recyclable materials, which must be disposed of in compliance with urban waste and refuse regulations,
contacting a company specialised in urban and environmental sanitation.
The names Technogym® and PURESTRENGTH™ are trademarks and the property of Technogym® s.p.a. in Italy and other countries.
Copyright © Technogym® s.p.a., July 2007
Technogym® reserves the right to modify its products and documentation without prior notice.
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