6115 Guion Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46254
(Before changing any filters always turn power off to unit by switching the lighted rocker
switch located on the discharge or motor section of the unit to the off or down position.)
(change every 3 to 4 months unless used in commercial applications.)
1.) Ring panel prefilter is located on top or next to the carbon filter. Simply slide the prefilter out and replace with new prefilter. Make sure white side is
facing up or toward the airflow. Replace filter door and turn lighted rocker switch back to the on or up position.
(change every 9 to 12 months unless used in commercial applications.)
1.) Carbon filter is located just under the prefilter or between prefilter and H
EPA filter. Some housings you’
ll have to remove prefilter before you can
remove and replace carbon filter. Replace prefilter on top of carbon filter. Replace filter door and turn lighted rocker switch back to the on or up position.
(change every 2.5 to 3 years unless used in commercial applications.)
1.) Remove prefilter and carbon filter.
2.) Remove nuts and bolts (two on each side) that attach hold down channels. On som
e housings you’ll
need to loosen the set screws (top and bottom)
and remove the bolts to the compression brackets. Remove both channels and or brackets. Lift HEPA filter out of housing.
3.) Carefully place new HEPA filter back in housing. Lift and position HEPA filter with gasket side facing down sitting evenly on metal knife edge on all four
4.) Replace channels and or brackets with bolts, nuts or set screws to their original locations and tighten them. Replace carbon and prefilter.
5.) Replace filter door and turn lighted rocker switch back to the on or up position.