P 601 - P 3001
P 601/701/801/1001/1501/2001/3001.58.0308.Eng/Digital
4 (22)
Inspection of Hydraulic Parts
Remove the diffuser, and check the rubber coating for wear, missing
or heavly scored material, and deposits.
Minor wear is easily compensated by tightening the nuts for the
diffuser thus reducing the clearance from the impeller to .0004 in.
Replace diffuser and wear plate if the rubber coating is worn to the
point where the metal backing is showing, or if any pieces of rubber
material are missing or severly gouged.
Inspection of electric cable
Check that the cable is undamaged, if the outer sheath is damaged,
water may wick into the motor housing along the inner core. If the
cable is damaged, repair or replace. Also check that the cable has
not been stretched or deformed. Hard jerks or pulls on the cable may
have damaged the bushing in the cable gland.
Trouble shooting
The most frequent functional troubles are usually caused by improper
electrical installation, cables, or wiring connections.
pumps installed by a qualified electrician. A volt ohm meter and valid
wiring diagram for the correct voltage are required in order to trouble-
shoot the electrical portion of the equipment.
troubleshooting should be carried out with the equipment
disconnected from the electric power supply. The power supply
be locked out when performing routine maintenance, or
troubleshooting pump.
check that no other person is working
with the pump before connecting the pump to power supply and
energizing the pump.
work with the electrical installation must be
carried out by a qualified electrician, or under the supervision of an
authorized electrician.
A. The pump will not start.
May be caused by:
1. Dead incoming power lines.
2. Blown fuses or breakers.
3. Defective cable.
4. Defective contactor unit or burned motor
5. Blocked impeller
B. The motor trips out.
May be caused by:
1. Wrong direction of rotation
2. Pump overloaded due to material build up.
3. Excessive water temperature. (Max 105 F)
4. Impeller blocked by stones, pieces of wood.
5. Blocked rotor.
6. Low voltage due to long cables, or inadequate power supply
7. Phase failure.
8. Burned motor caused by water entering pump either through shat
seal or cable entry area.