Water drainage:
During dehumidifying modes, remove the upper
drain plug from the back of the unit, install the drain
connector(5/8 universal female mender) with
3 4 hose(locally purchased). For the models
without drain connector, just attach the drain
hose to the hole. Place the open end of the
hose adaptor directly over the drain area in your
basement floor. Please refer to Fig.20a.
- During heating pump mode, remove the lower drain
plug from the back of the unit, install the drain
connector(5/8 universal female mender) with
3/4 hose(locally purchased). For the models
without drain connector, just attach the drain
hose to the hole. Place the open end of the
hose adaptor directly over the drain area in your
basement floor. Please refer to Fig.20b.
- When the water level of the bottom tray reaches
a predetermined level,
Carefully move the unit to a drain location,
remove the bottom drain plug and let the
water drain away(Fig.22). Reinstall the bottom
drain plug and restart the machine until the P1
symbol disappears. If the error repeats, call for
the unit beeps 8 times,
the digital display area shows P1 . At this time
the air conditioning/dehumidification process will
immediately stop. However, the fan motor will
continue to operate(this is normal).
Re move the
up per drain plug
Contin uous
dra in hose
Fi g.20a
Fi g.20b
Fi g.22
NOTE: Be sure to reinstall the bottom drain plug
before using the unit.
Rem ove the
lowe r drain plug
C ont in uo us
d rain hos e
d rain hose
a da pt or
drain hose
ada ptor
NOTE: Make sure the hose is secure so there are
no leaks.Direct the hose toward the drain,making
sure that there are no kinks that will stop the warter
flowing.Place the end of the hose into the drain and
make sure the end of the hose is down to let the
water flow smoothly.(See Fig.20a,20b,21a).Do
never let it up.(See Fig.21b).
Fig. 21a
Fig.21 b