Attach the Fill Station to the Dip Tank. To prevent leaks, ensure that the washer is in place on the Fill
Station. Make sure that the Fill Station nut is tightly secured to the Dip Tank.
Screw the CO2 Tank on to the Fill Station Tank Adaptor. Turn the knob on the Tank Adaptor Valve counter-
clockwise so that the knob is in the raised position. Leave the Tank Adaptor Valve knob in this raised
The CO2 tank must be upright when it is being filled or used. When not in use, the CO2 Tank can be stored
on its side.
Turn the purge valve on the Fill Station clockwise to close the purge valve.
Turn the ON/OFF valve on the CO2 Tank into the ON position. (fully counter-clockwise)
Hang the Digital Scale on a hook or other stationary mount.
Reset the Digital Scale to zero. Before hanging the CO2 tank on the digital scale, ensure that there is no
CO2 in the tank. Note the empty tank weight.
Calculate the full weight of the tank. The full tank weight is the sum of the empty tank weight and the
maximum capacity of the tank.
Open the large valve on the CO2 Dip Tank by turning the knob counter-clockwise.
Turn the ON/OFF valve on the Fill Station in to the open position, by turning it counter clockwise. You
should now hear CO2 flowing from the Dip Tank into the portable CO2 Tank. Listen to the flow of CO2 into
the portable CO2 Tank.
Observe the weight on the scale as the portable CO2 Tank will fill quickly, and you do not want to overfill the
portable CO2 Tank.
When the flow of CO2 stops or the recommend amount is shown on the scale, turn the ON/OFF valve on
the Fill Station into the CLOSED position by turning it clockwise.
If the weight shown on the scale is less than the recommended amount, close ON/OFF valve on the Fill
Station by turning it clockwise. Then, open the Purge Valve for 3 to 7 seconds by turning it counter
clockwise. Close the Purge Valve (clockwise). Next, open the ON/OFF valve on the Fill Station by turning it
counter clockwise.
Repeat previous two steps until you reach the recommended full weight of the CO2 tank.
When the CO2 Tank reaches the appropriate weight, turn the valve on the Fill Station to the CLOSED
position (fully clockwise). Next, turn the Dip Tank valve into the CLOSED position (fully clockwise). Close
the ON/OFF Valve on the portable CO2 tank (fully clockwise).
Open the Purge Valve to relieve pressure in the Fill Station and in the Fill Station hose. Remove the
portable CO2 Tank from the Fill Station. It should come off easily using your fingers. The CO2 Tank is now
ready for use
Tank Capacity (from manufacturer):
20-Ounce CO2
Empty Weight of Tank:
30 Ounces
Filled Weight of Tank:
50 Ounces
In this example, the tank should not be filled to over 50 ounces (maximum).