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TM-6703 Progressive Scan Double Speed Shutter Camera
Asynchronous reset
The TM-6703 resets with an external reset pulse (VINIT). This feature is especially important for
capturing moving objects at a precise location in the field of view, for applications such as a
conveyer belt process, fast event observation, and still picture capturing.
The TM-6703 is capable of capturing high resolution integration images. Integration can last from
1/60 sec. to several seconds.
VGA display output
The TM-6703’s VGA output scans out at 60Hz non-interlace. Because the double speed mode is
standard, images can be displayed on a standard VGA monitor. PULNiX PVM-1200 series
monitors or equivalent B/W multi-sync monitors can be used to display non-interlace images.
Please contact your PULNiX representative for display monitor information.
Sync input (external sync) or output (clock and sync) selection (optional, OP7-2))
Rear board jumpers enable sync input/output selection. When the jumpers are set to internal sync,
the camera accepts HD and VD sync and video output from pin #4 of the 12-pin connector. If the
jumpers are set to OP7-2, then HD, VD and clock output are provided for a frame grabber to take
the data.
“One shot sync” (optional, OP51-2)
The composite sync of the video output can be selectable with the rear panel jumper (resistor
location). Continuous V-sync mode outputs the V-sync at all times regardless of async reset or
normal rate V-sync during async mode stand-by. Async V-sync mode outputs the V-sync once only
at async reset (at Vinit trigger) and no V-sync during the stand-by period (H-sync only in video
composite sync) until the next Vinit comes in. These modes can be selected based on a frame
grabber’s sync capability for async reset.
Three-Year Warranty
The CCD solid state image sensor allows the camera to maintain a superior performance level
indefinitely while requiring virtually no maintenance. PULNiX backs all of the TM Series cameras
with a three-year warranty.
WARNING: Unscrewing the camera cover or opening the camera in any way
will void this warranty.