LED New Light Source Reflow Oven T-960
Wave one and two: use the same with soldering the less lead paste, like 85Sn/15Pb
Wave three and four: use the same with soldering the more lead paste, like 63Sn/37Pb
Wave five and six: use the same with soldering high-melting-point lead-free paste, like
Sn/Cu.75 Sn/Ag4.0/Cu.5 Sn95.5/Ag3.8/Cu0.7
Wave seven and eight: use the same with soldering lead-free solder in melting point,
like Sn/Ag2.5/Cu.8/Sb.5
6. Attentions:
According to the chips size and welding technological requirements, select the
proper wave.
2. Heating temperature regions distribution of upper three areas, and the lower layer 2
areas, corresponding heating waves of the first section/third section/section 4 of the
first/second section/each.
3. There are lot kinds of solder paste, every company chooses is also not identical. For
these reasons, we design this product can set eight waves, each wave has five sections,
each section of the heating time and temperature all can alter. You can reset the heating
waves according to the solder required heating temperature and time.
Foundation for wave set
1. The reflow soldering theory and the temperature wave
When the PCB board goes into heat up area (dry area), the solvent and gas in the