Rev 1.1 10/17
2.4 Controlling cameras via the Keyboard
Use the joystick’s Pan, Tilt and Zoom (twist the handle) to control the current camera. You may also use the
“Focus+, Focus-, Zoom+, Zoom- and Iris+, Iris-“ buttons.
Pressing the “SPEED” button will cycle through 3 variations in Pan/Tilt maximum speed for the camera. Watch
the LCD to see which speed you have selected. The current speed will be displayed by the quantity of arrows
The joystick is progressive, i.e. you can also pan and tilt at varied rates without changing max speed
by moving joystick nearer or further from its center position.
2.5 Setting and Calling camera ONVIF Presets via the Keyboard
Drive a camera to a desired Pan, Tilt and Zoom position using the camera’s IR remote or the joystick. To save
this position as a preset, Press the “PRESET” button on the keyboard, followed by a number, using the nu-
meric keypad and the “
button to save the preset and assign it to that number.
Press the “SHOT” button, followed by a number, using the numeric keypad and the “
button to call that pre-
set and automatically return the camera to that position.
3. Web Browser Interface and Configuration
3.1 Camera Page (also accessed via the Eye symbol in the top right corner)
Your PC must be on the same LAN as the keyboard.
Enter the IP address (displayed on the LCD of the keyboard
when you start it up
e.g. HOST:
into a web browser.
If the interface appears in Chinese, Use the 3
drop down list to select “English”.
Login to the keyboard. The default User is “admin”. The default Password is empty.
The main page is displayed as shown here: