Analyzer Check Strip
A check of the analyzer operation and optics can be performed using one of the two gray
check strips. Two are included in the analyzer carrying case. The check strip verifies that
the CardioChek PA analyzer’s electronic and optical systems are functioning properly.
To perform this verification, insert the check strip into the analyzer. The analyzer will
read the reflectance of the gray check strip and indicate if the reading is within the
acceptable range by displaying PASSED. When the check strip is not in use, please store
it in the analyzer carrying case. It is recommended that the check strip verification be
If the analyzer has been dropped
When a result is not consistent with expected results
How to Use the Analyzer Check Strip:
1. Turn on the analyzer by pressing either button.
2. When INSTALL MEMO CHIP or RUN TEST is displayed, press Next until UTILITY is
displayed. Press Enter.
3. Press Enter when CHECK STRIP is displayed.
4. Hold the check strip at the base and insert the check strip, ribbed side up, into the
test strip slot when INSERT STRIP is displayed.
5. The analyzer should display PASSED. (If the display reads FAILED, see the note
at the end of this section.) Remove the check strip and store it in the analyzer
carrying case.
Checking the System
Check Strip
6. Press Next until EXIT is displayed. Press Enter.
7. Press Next until RUN TEST is displayed.
8. Press Enter. The analyzer is ready to run tests.
If the analyzer displays FAILED:
1. Clean the CardioChek PA analyzer test strip slot (where the check strip is inserted
into the analyzer). See Section 8,
Care and Cleaning
2. Inspect the check strip to make sure it is not dirty or damaged. Use the spare
check strip and repeat.
3. See Section 9,
in this user guide.