Psion Teklogix CH4000 Quick Reference Guide
5.3 The Ikôn Charge Indicator LED Is Fast
Flashing Green.
If the Ikôn charge indicator fast flashes green when the Ikôn
is docked:
• Remove the Ikôn and disconnect the adaptor DC
power cable.
• Wait at least 20 seconds, and then plug the cable in again.
• If the Ikôn indicator still shows a fault, the Ikôn
requires service.
5.4 Spare Battery LED Fast Flashes Green With A
Battery Installed.
• Try inserting a battery that is known to be working with
another charger.
• If the charge slot LED continues to fast flash green with the
known working battery, the charger is defective and
requires service.
• Your Psion Teklogix battery and desktop docking station are
carefully designed for safety and capacity performance in
accordance with IEEE 1725. If the battery or charger are not
Psion Teklogix approved products, or the safety mechanism is
faulty, the spare charge slot LED or Ikôn LED will rapidly
flash green.
5.5 Spare Battery LED Does Not Turn On When A
Battery Is Installed.
• Inspect the charge slot contacts for damage (are they bent,
flattened, twisted or broken?).
• Reinstall the battery and check that it is fully seated in
the slot.