© PSI (Photon Systems Instruments), spol. s r. o.
Fig. 9 Settings → Indexes
Fig. 10 Index selection
Graph –
displays options for setting the wavelength range and graph features (Fig. 11).
Zoom enable – enables the zoom feature. Select an area (in the right-down
direction) of the displayed graph, which you want to zoom in. Reverse these steps if
you want to return to the original graph size.
Marker enable – enables to display exact numeric value for the point selected
in the Scope graph window. Exact wavelength and light irradiance are displayed for the
point, which is selected by touching on the display. In top right corner of the LCD
display the exact value of wavelength in nm is shown for the user selected position in
spectra. In addition, light irradiance for the given nm is shown.
Smoothing – enables noise reduction of the graphical display (only on display)
by smoothing the noise in the spectrum at the expense of spectral resolution. Data are
not affected (calculated as moving average).
Absorbance – switches to absorbance mode of spectrum visualization, the
raw spectral data are calculated according to the formula (A = log(I
Wavelength range – defines the range of wavelengths considered for light
scope and light meter measurements. Desired wavelength range can be adjusted by
selecting the wavelength and by using the arrows up and down.