FIGURE 6 - Determine parallel reference line (zero diameter)
Index locking knob
Align bit to center points
Mark at the front of
transport platform
Draw parallel
reference line
Figure 5: Determine parallel reference line (zero diameter)
If you intend to use the fluting guide to make a straight cut - mount a straight bit into your router. Mount your turning,
either straight or conical between centers on your lathe. Press the router bit into the work at both headstock and tailstock
ends of the turning - at each end mark the platform at the base of the carrier
(Fig 6)
Draw a temporary reference line as shown
(Fig 6)
. If your spindle is going to be perfectly straight, measure from the parallel
reference line to this temporary reference line. If necessary re-draw the temporary reference line to be parallel with the
parallel reference line. Determine your depth of cut. Do not exceed 1/16”
(Fig 6)
. Draw a final clean-up line as shown.
Optional - Making A Straight “Clean-Up” Cut
final clean-up line
FIGURE 7 - Determine clean-up line (optional)
Index locking knob
Press but to front of
spindle - mark initial
clean up line
parallel reference line
Repeat on right side
draw temporary reference line
1/16” max
final clean-up line
for straight cuts final
clean-up line is equal
distance from parallel
reference line
Figure 6 - Determine clean-up line (optional)