Programming the PowerWedge 10
Serial Batch Programming
The serial batch method of programming involves creating an ASCII file
of programming commands and then transmitting the ASCII file to the
PowerWedge 10 Serial model. The decoder’s serial parameter settings must
match the host’s settings, and the setting for start-program enable (I.D.
#B0) must be either 01 or 03.
Follow these guidelines when creating ASCII files for serial batch
The first line of the file must begin with $+$-. This is the decoder’s
“trigger” to enter programming mode.
Valid characters for the first character in a line (except the first line)
are programming variables or a semicolon.
A semicolon as the first character in a line indicates the beginning of
a comment. A semicolon anywhere else in a string is treated as a nor-
mal character. An end-of-line character (CR or CR/LF) marks the
end of the comment. (Comments contain information useful to you
or anyone else reading the file. They have no effect on the decoder.)
Data must appear in a line in a specific order: the programming I.D.
number for the parameter followed by a value for the parameter set-
ting. If the parameter type is a string, the string characters must be
followed by two slashes (//) to terminate the string. (You can use
strings as values for preambles, postambles, and extra fields in input
You must enter control or “action” characters (for example, tabs, line
feeds, or function keys) as a “mnemonic” word enclosed in paren-
theses (see
Full Keyboard Support on page 81
). For example, to enter a hori-
zontal tab, you would type (TABR).
For Code 39 and ASCII equivalents for serial characters, see Table 2 on
page 32.