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R2 May. 2002 

PMA7000MS-Option CD Pilot Guide 




 (Middle Position): All parties will hear the aircraft radio and inter-

com. Crew will hear Entertainment 1, passengers will hear Entertainment 2. 
During any radio or intercom communications, the music volume automati-
cally decreases. The music volume increases gradually back to the original 
level after communications have been completed.  



 (Down Position): Pilot and copilot are connected on one intercom 

channel and have exclusive access to the aircraft radios. They may also lis-
ten to Entertainment 1. Passengers can continue to communicate with them-
selves without interrupting the Crew and also may listen to Entertainment 2. 

Anytime the PMA7000MS-CD is in either the C




 2, C





3 ("Split Mode"), the pilot and copilot intercom is controlled with the ICS 
button. The passengers will maintain intercommunications, but never hear 
aircraft radios. 


  Entertainment Input 

The audio selector panel has provisions for two separate entertainment in-
put devices. The PCD7100-R remote CD player is usually installed as Mu-
sic 1, and feeds the pilot and copilot positions. They operate independently 
in the PMA7000MS-CD. The music volume control affects the PCD7100-R 
music level only in the pilot and copilot positions.  

While in the ISO (Isolate) mode, the copilot will hear Entertainment 1 while 
the four passengers will hear Entertainment #2. The pilot will hear enter-
tainment 1, at a muted level. In normal operation, whenever a person 
speaks, or if the aircraft radio becomes active, the music will automatically 
mute and then will gradually return to the original listening level when the 
intercom or radio conversation ceases. 

When in the A


 mode, pilot and copilot will hear Entertainment 1 input 

while all passengers will hear the Entertainment 2 source. While in the 


 mode, pilot and copilot will hear entertainment input #1 while the 

passengers may listen to entertainment input #2.  

It is also possible to use just the PCD7100-R as entertainment input device 
for both entertainment inputs. However, we suggest that a switch (DPDT) 
be installed between PCD7100-R entertainment input #1. This will allow 
the pilot to direct the music as desired. 

    Soft Mute and Soft Mute inhibit 

The Soft Mute feature assures that the aircraft radio transmissions will not 
be missed due to entertainment playing. When there is radio reception or 
intercom conversation, the music level is dropped to a low, or background 
level. When the radio or intercom traffic ceases, the level gradually returns 
to normal. 

The front panel ICS switch controls muting of entertainment source #1 (for 

R2 May. 2002


PMA7000MS Option CD Pilot Guide 


  Key “Click” 

The PMA7000MS-CD is equipped with a “click” function that provides an 
aural feedback to the user in addition to the tactile button push. This sound 
can be enabled or disabled by simultaneously holding the COM 1 and COM 
2 buttons in for at least 5 seconds. Any person hearing the radios will also 
hear the key click. 

Allow at least 20 seconds between turning the key click on and off. 


   Split Mode 

The split mode can be activated at any time by pressing the desired combi-
nation of XMT buttons. For instance, to activate a Com 1/Com 2 split, press 
and hold the com 1 button, and then press the Com 2 button while holding 
the Com 1 button. This places the pilot on Com 1 and the Copilot on Com 
2. The split modes are Com1/Com2 and Com 1/Com 3. The pilot will al-
ways be on Com 1. Pilot on Com 2 or Com 3 and copilot on Com 1 is not 

Split mode for Com 3, in normal (not TEL/Duplex) is possible with pilot on 
Com 1, copilot on Com 2 or 3 




Due to the nature of VHF communications signals, and the 

size constraints in general aviation aircraft, it is probable that 

there will be some bleed-over in the Split mode, particularly 

on adjacent frequencies. 

PS Engineering makes no warranty about the suitability of 

Split Mode in all aircraft conditions. 


: Split Mode does not turn off other (Nav, ADF, etc.) selected audio to 


However, the copilot will only hear the selected communications receiver.  


  Split Mode ICS 

In split mode, the pilot and copilot are usually isolated from each other on 
the intercom while simultaneously using their respective radios. Depressing 


 button in Split Mode will activate VOX intercom between the pilot 

and copilot positions. This permits intercommunication when desired be-
tween the crew. Pressing the ICS button again disables this crew intercom 


