If problems persist, confirm that you have entered the correct Security Code
and that the Base Station is powered on and operational. Also, try moving the
computer and the Base Station closer together; the computer may be out of
Configure TCP/IP Information
When first powered on, the Base Station will request IP addressing informa-
tion from your ISP’s DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server.
If the Base Station cannot receive an IP address automatically from the ISP
(Internet Service Provider), the Composer will prompt you to select an ISP
Connect Mode and enter any TCP/IP information assigned to you by the ISP.
The Base Station supports three ISP Connect Modes: static addressing,
dynamic addressing, and PPPoE. See Chapter 6: “Configure ISP TCP/IP Set-
tings” on page 23 for more information.
If you intend to use the Base Station in Transparent Bridging mode only to
communicate with another network, leave the TCP/IP information blank and
click <Next> to continue with the Composer Wizard.
Assign a Computer Name
In a Symphony network, each computer is assigned a name so that it can be
easily identified by the other devices on the network. The Symphony
Composer Installation Wizard will determine if your computer has already
been assigned a name, and if not, it will prompt you to enter one. The
Computer Name may be up to 15 alphanumeric characters long.
Select Drives and Printers to Share
The Symphony Composer will generate a list of the computer’s hard drives,
CD-ROM drives, floppy drives, and printers that may be shared with other
computers on the wireless network. To share a resource, place a check mark
next to its entry in the device list. Note that the Composer will display two
configuration screens: one for sharing drives and one for sharing printers.
When sharing a computer’s drive, click the entry multiple times to toggle
between several access levels that may be granted to remote users. The
options are Read/Write access, Read Only access, or no access.