Only use milling rings recommended by
the manufacturer.
The machine is only allowed be used
when protective guard is in place and
additional handle is fastened.
Plug in the
exible power supply cable’s
plug into the wall socket when the ma-
chine is off.
Make yourself sure whether the material
that is going to be machined does not
contain electric, water or gas lines – an
injury could occur.
Do not mill over metal objects, nails or
The machine is not allowed to be operat-
ed by a person under 16 years of age.
5.8 Noise/Vibration Information
The noise created during work may
damage hearing.
Use hearing-protective aids!
Measured values determined according to
EN 60 745.
Typically the A-weighted noise level of the
tool are:
Sound pressure level: 89 dB (A).
Sound power level: 100 dB (A).
Inaccuracy of measurement K = 3 dB (A).
The typical weighted acceleration is 3 m/s
Inaccuracy of measurement K = 1.5 m/s
6 Activation
Risk of injury, if the tools are used
with wrong supply power.
Check that the information on the manufac-
turing label complies with the actual power
supply voltage.
Check that the plug type is the same as the
socket type.
Tools designed for 230 V may be connected
to 220 V / 240 V power supply.
6.1 Switching on – off
Switching on
Move the switch button [1-2] forward and
the device will switch on. If you press the
front part of the button, it will arrest and
start continual operation.
Switching off
Press the rear part of the button [1-2] to re-
lax arrest. The button returns to switched-
off position.
6.2 Motor electronics
Starting current limitation
Electronically controlled continual running
secures device acceleration without back
thrust. Due to starting current limitation in
the device, 15A protection is suf
Devices without starting current limi-
tation need higher protection – at
least 16A circuit breaker.
Switching off during back thrust
During sudden drop of revolutions, for ex-
ample blocking in dividing cut, the current
input in motor stops. For re-starting, the
device must be
rst switched off and again
switched on.
Protection against re-starting
Prevent uncontrolled starting of the device
after current supply cut off. For re-starting,
the device must be
rst switched off and
again switched on.
Revolutions pre-setting
Use the revolutions regulator [1-3] for
smooth revolutions pre-setting.
Degree 1: 2000 min
Degree 4: 4500 min
Degree 2: 2950 min
Degree 5: 5300 min
Degree 3: 3750 min
Degree 6: 5900 min
Required number of revolutions depends on
applied grinding wheel and worked mate-
Constant electronics
Constant electronics maintains revolutions
during operation and idle run near the con-
stant. Regular operating shift is achieved.