Protection against freezing
The boiler has a protection system which
protects the boiler (but not the heating and
the hot water distribution systems) against
When the heating water in the boiler drops
below 10˚C, the boiler pump is automati-
cally switched on. When the heating water
temperature drops below 8˚C, the boiler is
automatically started up and heats until the
heating water temperature reaches 25˚C.
The freezing protection system
functions independently from the room
control unit and is activated even when
the heating system is turned off (set to --)
If the boiler is left in an envi-
ronment with ambient temperature below
3˚C, the boiler cannot be started up by
turning the main switch on.
Pump protection
When the pump is idle for a protracted
period of time, switch it on once every 24
hours for a short while (approximately 30
seconds) to prevent it from ceasing.
After the boiler has been shut down during
the operation, it cannot be restarted before
the control system records a drop in the
heating water temperature by 8˚C and not
before 3 minutes after the shutdown. This
function is particularly useful in heating
systems where the maximum heat loss is
at the level of the lower limit of the boiler’s
output range.
Disconnecting the boiler from power
If the boiler is disconnect from power supply
for a protracted period of time (continuously
for a month or longer), we recommend to
start up the boiler in regular time intervals
(at least once a month). If the pump cea-
ses, call an authorised service. Repairing
a pump ceased because of dirt in the he-
ating system is not covered by the boiler’s
: When the boiler is disconnected
from power supply, all its protection functi-
ons are disabled.
Power failure
Power failure will turn the boiler off. When
power supply is restored, the boiler will au-
tomatically restart itself without losing any
of the operating parameters settings.
If after power supply restoration the error
code F1 is displayed, proceed in accordan-
ce with the instructions in section “Controls
and signals / Main switch”.
The boiler may be blocked because of
overheating caused by the pump being
switched off as a result of the power fai-
Pump switch-off delay
The pump is factory-set to continue
running for 3 minutes after receiving a
request from the room control unit to shut
the boiler down. When the boiler is used
without a room control unit, the pump is
switched on permanently.
Protection functios
The single-action COMFORT
function is installed on request by an au-
thorised service technician with the boiler
in the service mode.
In model 24 KOV, the speed of coo-
ling the preheated hot water heat exchan-
ger is affected by the premises on which the
boiler is installed (chimney thrusts, room
temperature). Therefore we recommend to
select the “permanent” COMFORT function
only if you put more emphasis on hot water
supply speed than on operation economy.