Distance from fl ammable materials (e.g.
PVC, chipboard, polyurethane, synthetic
fi bres, rubber and other) must be suffi cient
so that the surface temperature of these
materials does not exceed 80°C. The
safety distance for reaching this maximum
temperature must be maintained
regardless of the degree of combustibility
of the particular material.
According to STN 06 1008, the boiler may
not be located and run closer to objects
(classifi ed according to STN 73 0823)
- 100 mm – hardly combustible, low
combustible or medium combustible
- 200 mm – easily combustible materials
(e.g. chipboard, polyurethane,
polystyrene, polyethylene, light PVC,
synthetic fi
bres, cellulose, tar paper,
rubber and similar materials)
Walls sensitive to heat such as wooden
walls, must be suitably protected.
No objects made of combustible material
may be placed on the boiler itself or within
the safety distance (while the boiler is
running), not even for a short time.
Surface temperature of the
boiler upper parts (particularly the side
walls and the cover) of a working boiler
might exceed the ambient temperature by
up to 50°C.
The manipulation (free) space left around
the boiler must be suffi cient for a person
to work on it safely with bare hands and
with common hand tools. Recommended
distances are shown in Fig. 9.
Combustion gases must be removed and
fresh air supplied through a special for this
purpose designed dual tubing. Practically
any required dual-tube route can be
constructed from standard components
supplied by the manufacturer. The fl ue
300 mm
600 mm
400 mm
300 mm
300 mm
Fig. 9
Recommended distances
route must be constructed in such a way
that condensed water vapour contained
in the combustion gases can be removed
from the tubing. This is achieved by
using special components which can
be built into the fl ue route. Problems
caused by condensate penetration are
not covered by the boiler’s warranty. Due
to the considerable variety of particular
solutions, the dual tubing is not part of
the boiler delivery and is not included in
the price. Principles for route design and
construction are described in chapter Air
supply and fl ue gases removal.