RDM0012 Issue 1 AA
Page 23 of 35 © Protec Fire Detection PLC 2017
User Responsibilities
The registered owner of the fire alarm system has specific responsibilities regarding the installation,
testing and maintenance of the fire alarm system.
BS5839 Pt 1: 2017 Section 7 states that the user of the fire alarm system must appoint a single named
person to supervise all matters regarding the fire alarm system.
Summarised below are the responsibilities expected of the named person.
It is strongly advised that a full copy of BS5839 Pt 1: 2017 is obtained and thoroughly
read and understood.
Requirements of the Premises Management Named Person
Ensure that the fire alarm equipment is checked at least once every 24 hours to ensure there
are no faults on the system. Report any faults to the site maintenance manager.
Ensure that arrangements are in place for correct testing of the fire alarm system (as specified
in BS5839 Pt 1: 2017 Section 6, summarised in section 6.0 of this document).
Ensure that the system event log is kept up to date and is available for inspection by any
authorised person when required.
Ensure that all occupants of the protected premises are trained how to use the system
properly and that they are aware of what action to take in the event of an alarm.
Ensure that false alarms are minimised.
Ensure all detectors and manual call points are not obstructed. Detectors must have at least
500mm clear space preserved in all directions around them.
Establish a liaison with those responsible for changes in, or maintenance of the building fabric.
Ensure that when changes are made to the system, record drawings and operating
instructions are updated.
Ensure that, where necessary, a suitable zone plan is displayed and kept up to date.
Ensure that any relevant spare parts for system maintenance are held within the premises.