1.0 Wiring Follow the wiring diagram above.
The red ACC wire is designed as the trigger to turn the radio on. It recommended that this wire is connected to an
on/off switch for purposes of lowering the current draw on the battery while the radio is not in use.
Both red ACC and yellow battery wires must be connected to 12V+ for the radio to turn on.
Note: Depending on the PO, the INFPRV250 may or may not have a yellow memory wire.
Ground (black) must be connected to a good 12V- source. Best source is directly to the battery.
Speaker wires must be installed to the individual speaker’s terminals as labeled, positive and negative, respectively.
Do NOT combine any speaker wires as this will cause permanent damage to the radio’s output IC. Tape off any unused
speaker wires individually to prevent accidental shorting which can also harm the output IC.
Antenna must be installed.
2.0 Compatible Accessories
See our website for the following add on accessories
4 ohm speakers with a max power of at least 50 watts
Any antenna
2 channel amplifier OR subwoofer
3.0 List of common issues
No Power
Check each button on the control pad for sticking. Under normal conditions, a faint click is heard upon pressing each
button. If any button does not click, initiate a warranty claim if you are under warranty.
Ensure red and yellow leads are connected to a good 12V+ source. Both must have power for the radio to turn on.
Ensure black ground wire is connected to a good reliable ground source.
Open the fuse holder and check the fuse. Note, while in most situations, a bad fuse can be spotted visually, this may
not always be the case. The best method would be to use a multi-meter or a test light.
Ensure the battery/power supply is putting out at least 12V while under load. The radio requires at least 11V to
operate normally.
Check all connections for corrosion, looseness, or other condition that can produce a bad ground. Corrosion or
terminal looseness is the leading cause for most grounding issues and can cause excessive heat resulting in melting
wires or terminals.