2.5.APP Download
Scan the below QR code to download and install APP
Android 5.0 and above/IOS 9.0 and above/Bluetooth 4.0 support.
First time use, scan this QR from this user manual or from bracelet 'MORE' to
download this 'ProFit' app. Turn on the Bluetooth from your phone or tablet, then
tap the ProFit app from your devices and tap the link icon
, it will appear
'PF-PBTW278' here, tap to connect it. It will pop up a dialog' Bluetooth Pairing
Request' from your devices, tape 'Pair' to connect it. It will sync the time and date
after connected to your Bluetooth devices.
When the battery of the bracelet is low, please charge it in time.
Remove the short strap to reveal the USB charging head.
Insert the charging head into the standard USB charging port.