Instruction manual, presets and applications
Self-powered, High Power frontloaded, tuned bassreflex,
Single 15” subwoofer
The Prophoon B1HPA comes with two separate built-in class-D amplifiers with PFC (Power Factor Correction)
and on-board DSP processing, for a variaty of setups, configurations and applications.
Each amplifier delivers 1050W into 8 ohms (Total of 2100W into 8 ohms) there are four presets to chose from,
depending on application and setup,
(The B1HPA are not to be used with 4 or 2 ohm load on the Speakon output connector.)
This preset is used for also powering an additional passive B1HP.
- The first amplifier powers the internal woofer, and have a subsonic filter @ 30Hz , 24dB/oct,
and a LowPass-filter@95Hz, 24dB/oct. for use as a frontloaded subwoofer in most applications.
- The second amplifier powers the Speakon output with 1050W (8ohm)
for using an extra passive B1HP, the DSP settings are identical as the internal.
In this configuration, 1pc of B1HPA and 1 pc of B1HP stacked (See image)
makes a powerful stack of a 2100W, 2x15” subwoofer.
This Preset enables the B1HPA to function as a subwoofer in an active sound system,
supplying any of the prophon series of passive fullrange speakers or multipurpose speakers.
- The internal amplifiers have a subsonic filter @ 30Hz , 24dB/oct,
and a LowPass-filter@95Hz, 24dB/oct. for use as a frontloaded subwoofer in most applications.
- The second amplifier powers the Speakon output with 1050W (8ohm)
With LowPass filter @ 95Hz, for using a passive fullrange speaker or multipurpose speaker.
- Seperate volume controls enables a balanced and versatile system control,
where sub and top can be adjusted depending on use and room responce.
This preset uses advanced mathemathical DSP processings to create a cardioid dispersion pattern,
using an additional external passive B18HP in a fixed position.
- Place a passive B1HP as in illustration, behind the self-powered B1HPA
at a distance of 97 cm. front to front
- Connect a speakon cable from speakon output in the active B1HPA to speakon input
in the passive B1HP.
- Turn up the volume to full on both volume controls
- Ready to use your cardioid subwoofer system!
This preset uses advanced mathemathical DSP processings to create a cardioid dispersion pattern,
using an additional external self-powered B1HPA in a fixed position.
- Place another self-powered B1HPA using preset 2, as in illustration, in front of the self-powered B1HPA
that is using PRESET 4, at a distance of 97 cm. front to front.
- Connect the two subwoofers with power and signal cables, linking from one to the other
(it does not matter in what order they are connected)
- Connect two fullrange speakers or multi purpose speakers, one to each B1HPA from the
speakon output in the back of the B1HPA.
- You now have a powerful sound system whit two cardioid 15” woofers and two top speaker
on each side of the stage.
(you need to have at least four pcs. of the B1HPA, and four passive fullrange speakers for this setup)
97 cm.
97 cm.