Review 12/18
This document may contain technical inaccuracies or
typographical errors.
Changes are periodically added to the information
herein; these changes will be incorporated in new edi-
tions of the publication.
Promeba, S.L.
reserves the right to make, if considered
appropiate, any modification or improvement to the
products described in this publication.
Promeba, S.L.
may have patents or patent applications
which address themes described in this document. The
possession of this document does not entitle no licen-
se to these patents.
The information contained in this document does not
affect or change the specifications or product warran-
ties of
Promeba, S.L.
No part of this document shall operate as express or
implied license or compensation under the intellectual
property rights of
Promeba, S.L.
or third party.
All the information contained in this document has
been obtained in specific environments and it is pre-
sented as an illustration. The results obtained in other
operating environments may vary.
Promeba, S.L.
may use or distribute the information
that the client provides in whatever way they see fit,
without incurring any obligation with the client.