Ctra C-16 Km 59.5
08650 Sallent (BCN)
T.93 837 12 00 FAX.93 820 61 08
[email protected]
The contents of the manual includes instructions
for use and maintenance of the machine, as
well as how to solve small breakdowns that may
Is recommended before operating the automatic
load tray will carefully read the manual to can
avoid damage to the automatic load tray because
of misuse.
This manual must go always with the automatic
load tray.
Every automatic load tray have a label with
the identifi cation number and the reference.
Keep these numbers so that they can tell the
manufacturer / distributor if necessary.
1.1 Use of manual
2.8 Manual override
In the event of damage to some electrical
components the automatic load tray must operate
in manual mode as follows:
System for setting the table
Unlock hooks fi xing the stretcher bar unblocking
pushing back.
NOTE: the stretcher is fully released so that must
be restrained in some way in the case of
not being in horizontal position.
Drive system
Raise the stretcher attached by tow hooks
provided by the handle. The operation it from
the top of the engine.
NOTE: don’t toggle the handle without emergency
stop activated.
Tilt system
Remove one of the axes of rotation of actuator
and let loose. Once released, press the lever
for manual located in the rear of the bed to tilt
NOTE: to return the actuator shaft to press the
lever in the hand to avoid damaging the