Review 2021/09
03.3. Maintenance
Inappropriate use and a lack of maintenance can cause damage to people and objects.
03.3.1 Safety Checks
Head Immobilizer has no moving parts and therefore does not require elaborate controls. However, it
is recommended that you check the velcro straps and belts for possible damage before using the
Should any faults occur, do not use the head immobilizer and contact customer support.
03.3.2 Cleaning Recommendation
Clean the surface using a moist sponge, water and neutral soap. Then rinse and dry thoroughly. Do
not use aggressive cleaning agents (bleach, ammonia, etc.
Do not use abrasive materials (scrubs, steel wool, knives) to remove stains.
03.3.3 Disinfection Recommendation
After cleaning with an appropriate surface disinfectant (tested with Incidur, Incidin Foam, Mikrozid AF
Liquid, Bacillol AF (for example), disinfect using the spray and wipe method following the
manufacturers recommendations.