S.A.R.L. au capital de 15 250 €
SIRET : 408 484 913 00012 APE : 514 S R.C.S. CRETEIL
N° de TVA intra-communautaire : FR 13 408 484 913
Once the basic plate removed, place the new plate on the press. The central hole of the
stand is designed for the fixation screw. 2 other holes are designed for the bolt on the back
part of the lower plate guaranteeing the strong fixation of the plate. Place the screw in the
upper or left hole, depending on what orientation of lower plate you need.
And return the fixation screw to its place. Think of re-adjusting the pressure.
Each of lower plates can be fixed in 2 different positions, multiplying the printing possibilities
of your heat presses.