Chapter 8
INSTALLATION: Diffusion via HVAC System
Appliance Positioning
It is important to find an insertion point where the plume output will be smoothly drawn into and mixed
with the airflow. This usually means those parts of the AHU where the static pressure is negative. Ideal
locations include:
Before the supply fan with injection through the wall of the AHU. Positioning immediately before the
fan and after the coils if possible or in the mixed air chamber.
Behind the blower with the whole appliance mounted inside the AHU in the mixed air chamber.
Outside the AHU in the Supply air duct.
Best practice when installing in an AHU is to place the injector tube after the heating and cooling coils. If
this is not possible, the Plume output can pass over hot water, steam, chilled water, and DX coils.
Open gas flames should absolutely be avoided. If installation must be over gas heated coils or open
gas flames, contact Prolitec Technical Support.
The best location for the Appliance is below the injector tube (
). The injector hose should be run
upward as short a distance as possible and NEVER MORE THAN 3 FEET. If an upward injector hose run is
not possible, care should be taken support the hose to prevent sagging or any low spot in the run to avoid
any possibility of condensation and liquid collection which will block the plume output. The injector hose
is prone to stretching, so support points should be placed every 6 inches on horizontal runs. Give the hose
a slight upward slant along its run (See
). The hose must not be run horizontally. A strong tape (such
as Venture tape) may be used to support short runs. The hose may be run through PVC pipe for longer
Injector Tube
Injector Hose
Junction Box
Fig. 15