VPN's. The m echanis ms shoul d be based on standards, to warranty the
manufacturer independence of the other end s erver s for tunneling and
At least, the modem should support routing for IP protocol between user
LAN and WAN (through ADS L interface). This makes compuls ory the
possi bility of configuri ng static routes. It is recom mend the availabili ty of
ARP proxy.
DHCP server
This service will assign the IP address, subnet mask, IP gateway plus the
primar y & secondary DNS addr ess to all user's equi pment.
NAT (Network Addres s Translation) i s the translation of an Internet
Protocol address (IP address ) used within one network to a different IP
address known within another network. One network is designated the
inside network and the other is the outside.
It provides a tr ansparent and a spanning-tree bridge.
RFC 1483 bridged
The RFC in use i s the 2684, , the 1483 and 2684 are admi tted for LLC
encaps ulation and VC multiplexing for bridged tr affic.
PPPoE relay
It is used to transport P PP traffic over Ethernet.
PPPoEthernet client (RFC 2516)
Authentifi cation is supported by PAP & CHAP protocols. The RFC 2516
supports for multiple PVCs,with each VC supporting a single PPPoE session
(different ISPs over different PVCs)
Appendix B - High Prot ocols