Q. How do I know if the battery is charged?
A. The charger’s FULLY CHARGED LED will illuminate (solid). Alternatively use a Battery
Hydrometer (Projecta Part No. BH100). A reading of 1.250 or more in each cell indicates
a fully charged battery.
Q. I have connected the charger properly but the ‘CHARGING LED’ does not
come on?
A. In some cases batteries can be flattened to the point where they have very little or no
voltage. This can occur if a small amount of power is used for a long time, for example
a map reading light is left on for a week or more. Projecta 7 Stage chargers are
designed to charge from as little as 2.5 Volts.
If the voltage is lower than 2.5 Volts use a pair of booster cables to connect between
two batteries to provide more than 2.5 Volts to the battery being charged. The charger
can then start to charge the battery and the booster cables can be removed.
Q. Can I use the charger as a power supply
A. Yes, by selecting Power Supply mode you are able to use the charger as a power supply
to run an appliance. Ensure the appliance being run is not greater than the charger’s
output current and where possible connect the charger to a battery, and the battery
to the appliance.
The charger may also be used to connect to a vehicle while changing the battery
to maintain the vehicles computer and radio settings.
Q. Why does the charger reset when I connect a load directly to the battery
charger in Power Supply mode.
A. The charger will reset when in Power Supply mode if the load exceeds the chargers
capacity. Some appliances when turned on or first connected to the charger will cause
the charger to reset and it will re-try by slowly ramping up its output.
Q. How can I tell what stage the battery charger is in?
A. Below are the conditions that are displayed by the LEDs for each of the charge stages.
Soft Start
Blue LED
Green LED
(Fast Flash)
(Slow Flash)