Troubleshooting Guide
Common Installation Mistakes:
1. Unplug power source, open EMS control box and check connections. Look at
the small wires located under the input connections, and make sure the
conductor colors match (small black wires and black RV input wire, and
small white wires with white RV input wire). If you have wired the input
wires incorrectly, rewire to match the small wires.
2. Make sure that input wires are in fact the input wires, connecting the output to
the input of the EMS will result in the device not functioning.
3. If the EMS is still not functioning at this point follow instructions below prior to
calling technical support.
Write down the following information prior to calling technical support:
1. Look at the computer board located on the side of the EMS control box. You
will notice a red light, this should be on. If the light is not on stop there
and call technical support. If the light is on go to next step.
2. Look at the display, if no reading is present call technical support. If the
display is reading information note the error code message. If the EMS is
reading Error 1-8 see error code chart on previous page, this means the
EMS is functioning fine. If reading E0, read on.
3. Look to see if the time delay indicator (located in the bottom right number) is
flashing. Wait out time delay. When you see the indicator stop flashing
power should come on in the RV. If not call tech support to install blue
bypass jumper wire. Power should be on in RV.
leaving the unit in
bypass does indeed bypass the electrical protection but not the surge
Technical support can only help if the above information is provided.
Therefore please do not call until the above information is obtained.
To recap
Are the connections right?
Is the red light located on the circuit board inside control box on?
What error code message is being displayed?
Is the delay indicator flashing?
When the bypass jumper wire is installed does power come on in
the RV?
Progressive Industries Technical Support – 919-462-8280
VIP Enterprises Technical Support – 734-516-2056