Cine Reflector
System description
Cine Reflector
The Cine Reflector combines the film industry’s popular Parabolic (PAR) reflector with the
classic Profoto Zoom reflector that for long has been the most used Profoto light shaping
tool. This, in combination with a wide assortment of dedicated accessories, makes the
Cine Reflector one of the most versatile light shaping tools in the whole Profoto system.
The Zoom reflector is a textured “Open face type” reflector that provides a crisp, even light.
The beam angle can easily be adjusted in the range of 35-105° without the need of lenses,
thanks to the unique zoom functionality.
The PAR reflector provides a light with high output and a lot of punch that can be used
either directly or in combination with PAR lenses to adjust the beam spread. Five types of
lenses provide a wide selection of beam control as well as a set of scrims, dichroic color
filters and barndoors.
The Cine Reflector fits on all Profoto lamp and flash heads.