Copyright © 2011 Prodipe / IPE Music
Front panel:
Outputs and monitoring:
Output gain level knob (Line out).
Lets you adjust the output level of the lines connectors located on
the rear panel of the audio interface.
Mix input/playback knob.
This knob lets you select which signals to listen on the headphone
When completely turned left ("IN" label), you only hear
the input signals from the interface itself.
When completely turned right ("OUT" label), you only hear
the signals coming from the computer.
It lets you also (intermediate positions) hear a mix of the
inputs signals from the interface itself and those coming
from the computer. This lets you check the quality /
levels of the signals recorded.
Using this knob does not affect the output signals of the output
connectors located on the rear of the audio interface.
Output gain level knob (Headphones / Monitoring).
Lets you adjust the output level of the headphones connector.
Headphone ¼" stereo connector.
You can adjust the output level of the headphones with the
"MONITOR" knob.
Power LED indicator.
This LED lights on when the audio interface is correctly powered
by the host computer (
) or by an external power unit