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Copyright © 2020 IPE Music/Prodipe
Page 20
Use of M850 MK2 mic
The M850 MK2 microphone is a UHF M850 microphone sold alone, to be used only and in addition to
the B210 DSP Solo or B210 DSP Duo receivers, which were manufactured after the year 2020.
To ensure the compatibility of your equipment, the thirteen-digit serial number, located under your
receiver, must begin with the number twenty: (20xxxxxxxxxxx).
For more precision and information about the compatibility of your equipment, do not hesitate to
seek advice from your usual
General characteristics of UHF
UHF receiver with 100 or 2x100 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) channels
see technical
characteristics in this manual for further information
Infra-red [IR] carrier frequency synchronization.
Very high fidelity audio module.
"Super anti-jamming" circuits
Extremely low background noise.
Interference-free automatic selection of available frequencies (only on UHF DSP M850 Solo
and M850 Duo).
Manual frequency selection.
M85 microphone unit fitted in M850 hand microphone.
Simultaneous use: up to 8 DSP UHF transmitter/receiver systems