Single Channel Loop Detector
The LD160 is a single channel inductive loop detector designed for traffic
control applications.
The detector is connected to an inductive loop mounted in the road surface.
When vehicles pass over the loop the detector switches on an output.
The use of microprocessor and surface mount technology enables a large
number of functions to be incorporated into a small package. The LD160 is
compatible with most single channel detectors on the market and is easy to
set-up and install.
Typical applications in the traffic environment are traffic control (traffic lights), toll systems and vehicle counting.
Reset Switch.
Pressing the reset switch enables the detector to be manually reset during commissioning and
testing. This results in the detector re-tuning the sensing loop and becoming ready for vehicle detection.
Switch selectable Sensitivity.
The detect sensitivity is the minimum change in inductance required to produce a
detect output. (%
L/L). Eight sensitivity settings are available on the switches to allow flexibility in configuration.
Switch selectable Frequency
. Two frequency settings are available to prevent cross-talk between adjacent
Fault Relay feature
. The Fault relay is activated when a fault has occurred on the loop.
Model - LD160 Series
Power Indicator.
This LED Indicator illuminates when power is present.
Detect Indicator.
This LED Indicator is illuminated when there is a vehicle over the loop or the loop is faulty. This
LED can also be used to determine the loop frequency. On reset, count the number of times the LED flashes.
Multiply this number by 10KHz.For example: if the LED flashes 6 times, then the loop frequency is between
60KHz and 70KHz.
Loop Fault Indicator.
This LED Indicator is illuminated when the loop is either open circuit or short circuit and is
used to give a visual indication of a faulty loop.