5 3/19/18
DE20/T-DE20 Manual
U5, SP1 Dead Band
This setting, which may be any number from 1 to +99 represents a dead band that only applies to the SP1 SET
POINT. This is the heat Set Point.
The default and minimum for the setting is one (1).
Temperature Sensor:
Number represents degrees C or F as determined by F5 setting
Voltage Sensor:
Number represents tenths of a Volt (0.1 VDC)
Current Sensor:
Number represents hundredths of milliamps (0.01 mA)
Signal Devices:
Number represents ohms.
Frequency Signal Devices:
Setting represents hertz (counts/second)
This bandwidth applies to the low side of the SP1 SET POINT. If the U5 setting is set at 5° F and the SP1 SET
POINT is set at 115° F, then the Set Point relay is de- energized when the (displayed) temperature reaches 115° F
and it is reenergized when the temperature falls to 110° F.
U6, SP2 Dead Band
Not Available
U7, Power Save Set Point Dead Band
Not Available
U8, Display Stabilizer
If the display value changes by a digit or two in a steady state condition, this setting can be altered in conjunc-
tion with the U4 setting to reduce the display instability. Lower values cause maximum suppression. Larger
values provide greater accuracy.
The default value for the U8, Display Stabilizer setting is ten (10).
L, Set Point Limit
This setting, which may be any number between -99 and +999, is the maximum limit for all SET POINTS except
the ALARM SET POINT. This will prevent accidental setting of a Set Point, which could be too high or low (de-
pending upon the application).
Temperature Sensor:
Number represents degrees C or F as determined by F5 setting
Voltage Sensor:
Number represents tenths of a Volt (0.1 VDC)
Current Sensor:
Number represents hundredths of milliamps (0.01 mA)
Signal Devices:
Number represents ohms.
Frequency Signal Devices:
Setting represents hertz (counts/second)
The default value for this setting is +999.
F1, Emulation Flag
Not available
F2, Heating or Cooling Switch
When the setting is turned OFF (0), then the relay is reverse acting. That is, when a sensor reports a
temperature less than the SET POINT, the relay is energized. At temperatures greater than the SET
POINT, the relay is de-energized. This setting is common for heating applications.