DA-2800 Operating Instructions V0.4
1.5 Connecting Inputs
Input connections are made via 3-pin XLR-male connectors to XLR jacks on the back panel of the
amplifier. Connection details are shown below. The proper wiring polarity for the XLR connector is
shown at right.
The figure below shows proper wiring for both balanced and unbalanced line inputs. Either type of
configuration can be used, but we recommend using balanced connections because unbalanced cables
(especially with long runs) can introduce noise into the audio system.
1.6 Link Switch and Bridged Mode
Each pair of inputs can be linked through a switch on the back panel of the amplifier. One switch links Input 1
and Input 2, and a second switch links Input 3 and Input 4.
For Bridged Mode operation, this switch must be set to “on” for the amplifier channel pair being bridged for
maximum output. The Link switch is also used when one input signal is to be reproduced by two amplifier
channels (such as for multiple subwoofers or surround channels).
When needed, the unused input connector of a linked connector pair can be used to connect an additional
amplifier channel, by using the Link cable provided with the amplifier. This is necessary with certain speaker
configurations, such as with the bridged channels needed for the P815 and the P18 loudspeakers. See Section
7, Programming, for applications where this is needed.