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713 Northway Dr. : Anchorage, AK 99508 : Phone: 907-274-0770 : Fax: 907-274-0773
To Whom It May Concern,
This infant has been prescribed an apnea monitor by his/her physician. This equipment
monitors the infant for two potential life threatening events: apnea, a respiratory
disorder and bradycardia. These events, either occurring together or separately,
endanger the health of this infant if not detected
Due to the computer and memory components of this monitor, we ask that the
be exposed to an x-ray machine or magnetic wand. Exposure to such
equipment could erase this patient’s necessary data and parameters that the physician
has prescribed.
We also ask that the monitor be kept with the infant and caregiver
while in the passenger section of the airplane
This equipment DOES NOT emit or receive any type of signal that would interfere with
aircraft instrumentation.
It only records the heartbeat and respiration of the infant and
must be kept on at ALL TIME’s
If not monitored, this infant could be fatally or seriously harmed
We have many children that fly successfully with an apnea monitor all over Alaska.
Please feel free to contact our clinical team with any questions or concerns you might
Thank you for your support and consideration.
Procare Home Medical