Pro-Tech Manufacturing and Distribution, Inc.
711 West Ave
Rochester, New York 14611
Failure to reset a tripped cutting edge will
result in reduced plowing efficiency and
potential damage to the Sno Pusher.
ISL and ISB models
Attaching the Sno Pusher to your machine is
made easy with Pro-Tech’s Quick Change™
1. Drive the cutting edge of machine’s bucket
into the post receptacle on the back of the
Sno Pusher. (Figure 1)
Figure 1
The bucket will come to rest against the 12”
structural steel channel reinforcement. The
upper posts will fit inside the bucket and
should be centered. The lower posts will be
positioned under the bucket.
2. Grab hooks are to be welded to the side or
back corners of your machine’s bucket.
The location you choose MUST allow chains
to be positioned parallel to the ground when
attached. This will ensure easy centering of
the Sno Pusher to your machine.
3. Attach one section of transport chain to the
left side of the Sno Pusher using a 3/8”
shackle. (Figure 2a)
Figure 2a
Drop the opposite end of this chain into the
grab hook on the right side of the bucket.
Leave enough slack in the chain to allow
centering of the Sno Pusher.
Figure 2b
4. Attach the additional section of transport
chain to the left side of the Sno Pusher using
a 3/8” shackle.
Drop the opposite end of this chain into the
grab hook on the left side of the bucket.
Leave enough slack in the chain to attach the
ratchet binder and allow centering of the Sno
Pusher. (Figure 2b)
5. Now that both chains are in place, lift the Sno
Pusher off the ground by raising the bucket
then tighten the ratchet binder.
Add or remove slack in the chains to center
the Sno Pusher on your machine. Once
centered, chains MUST be tightened with the
Do not use the lift hooks located at
the top and rear of the Sno Pusher for chain
attachment. These hooks are designed for
lifting the Sno Pusher only and not for
For ISL, Binder Kit Includes: