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This data sheet and its contents (the “Information”) belong to the members of the AVNET group of companies (the “Group”) or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for
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Q1: The media player unit does not function, what should I do?
A: It could be that the unit is loading data from the USB / SD/ MMC storage device and it may take a while. However, if you are
sure that the unit does not function, please try to unplug the power adapter and plug it again.
Q2: There is no picture on the screen, what to do?
A: Please check the followings:
1. Please check if the power adaptor is properly connected;
2. Please make sure if the AV or HDMI cable is connected appropriately;
3. Remove the SD/MMC memory card or USB device and then plug in again after the unit turned on normally;
4. If you connect media player to TV with AV Cable, please set TV source(output) as TV/PAL/NTSC(according to the type of
TV), press AV button on remote control to set the media player output as AV;
5. If you connect media player to TV with HDMI Cable, please set TV source(output) as HDMI, press HDMI button on remote
control to set the media player output as HDMI;
6. If nothing still shows on TV, please connect your local distributor.
Q3: Why can’t I play my movie file?
A: Please double check the movie formats supported by this media player and then make sure the media player functions nor-
mally. If the movie format you wish to play is supported by this media player, please try to reboot the unit. If it still does not
work. It is possible the format is not supported by this media player.
Q4: Why can’t I adjust subtitle?
A: Please keep i n mind t hat s ome video or movies you download from i nternet c ome w ith s ubtitles, which means once you
have downloaded the movie, the subtitles are there already. In that case, you cannot use the subtitle functions of this media
player to make any change for the subtitles of these movies.