Pro-Lift T-9400 Operating Instructions & Parts Manual Download Page 2



Save these instructions. For your safety,
please read, understand and follow the
information contained within before use.
The owner and operator shall have an
understanding of this product and safe
operating procedures before attempting
to use. Instructions and safety informa-
tion shall be conveyed in the operators
native language before use is authorized.
Make certain that the operator thoroughly
understands the inherent dangers asso-
ciated with the use and misuse of the prod-
uct. If any doubt exists as to the safe and
proper use of this device as outlined in
this factory authorized manual, remove
from service until which time it is clear.
This jack is not suitable for use in lifting,
leveling and/or positioning houses, con-
struction trailers and dwellings in general.
Inspect before each use. Do not use if
cracked, broken, bent or otherwise dam-
aged parts are noted or if the jack is sus-
pected to have been subjected to a shock
load. Discontinue use until checked out
by an authorized factory service center.
Owner and operators of this device shall
be aware that no serviceable or replace-
able parts are available for this device. Do
not attempt to weld, rivet or otherwise re-
pair this device. It is recommended that
an annual inspection be done to this de-
vice by qualified persons and that miss-
ing or damaged labels, warning/safety
decals be replaced with ones that are fac-
tory authorized. Always reference the Prod-
uct Label and Owner's Manual to estab-
lish rated capacity.

Figure 1 - Model T-9400 Nomenclature

• Leer, comprender, y seguir las
   instrucciónes antes de utilizar el aparato.
• El manual de instrucciónes y la
  información de seguridad deben estar
  comunicado en lengua del operador
  antes del uso.
• No seguir estas indicaciónes puede
  causar daños personales o materiales.




This jack is designed to safely and effec-
tively lift one axle of a vehicle for the sole
purpose of tire removal and/or installa-


1. Verify that the product and the applica-

tion are compatible, if in doubt call Pro-
Lift Customer Support @ (816) 891-


2. Before using this product, read the

owner's manual completely and famil-
iarize yourself thoroughly with the prod-
uct, its components and recognize the
hazards associated with its use. Check
with vehicle owner's manual for proper
lift points.


This device is designed to sustain the fol-
lowing loads at these specified heights.
DO NOT EXCEED the rated capacity for
each position.

Figure 2 - Height/Weight Curve







Weight (Ibs)



igh (


slotted saddle

handle socket

oil filler plug

power unit


release valve

pump piston

Study, understand, and follow all printed
materials provided with and on this
device. Do not use this product before
reading and understanding the tire
changing procedures as outlined in the
vehicle owners manual or tire chang-
ing compartment of the vehicle. Do not
exceed rated capacity as outlined in the
height/weight curve (see Fig. 2). Use
only on hard, level surfaces capable of
sustaining rated capacity loads. Use for
emergency tire changing only. Never
put any portion of body under a vehicle
supported by the jack. Activate the haz-
ard warning flasher, turn off ignition, set
parking brake, move automatic trans-
mission to park position. In case of
manual transmission, put it in reverse
gear if car is facing downhill and low-
est gear if car is facing uphill. In addi-
tion, the wheel diagonally opposite from
the wheel being lifted shall be chocked
in both directions. Lift only on areas of
the vehicle as specified by the vehicle
manufacturer. Follow tire changing pro-
cedures as per vehicle owners manual.
Use  ONLY the provided operating han-
dle or  factory replacement. Failure to
heed these messages may result in
personal injury and/or property dam-




Be sure all tools and personnel are clear
before lowering load. No alterations shall
be made to this device. Only attachments
and/or adapters supplied by the manufac-
turer shall be used. Lift only on areas of
the vehicle as specified by the vehicle

Height (inches)

Weight (lbs)

4 ¾





