Extreme caution should be exercised in cleaning the stylus. A single
front to back
motion can
permanently damage the cantilever.
Flux Build-Up:
Any phono cartridge that comprises a magnetic circuit for generating electricity is subject to an
unwanted magnetic flux build-up (bias). We have designed the cartridges in the Oyster™ Series to be less susceptible
to this bias than other cartridge designs currently available. Symptoms of a charged cartridge are: distortion unrelated
to tracking, a loss of dynamics, a loss of soundstage definition, or frequency related abnormalities. This can occur
either gradually or rapidly, depending on the cartridge design type. While the Oyster™ Series cartridges are less
susceptible to the flux build-up that other designs, the cartridge performance can be improved with the use of a
cartridge demagnetizer. NEVER USE A TAPE HEAD OR BULK DEMAGNETIZER to demagnetize your Oyster™ series
phono cartridge. Permanent damage will result with a significant loss of output. This cannot be reversed. (When
using a cartridge demagnetizer on your Oyster™ moving magnet cartridge, the stylus assembly must be removed
prior to the demagnetizing process or permanent damage will occur).