5. Disconnect your tablet from the console if
To disconnect your tablet from the console, first
select the disconnect option in the iFit–Smart
Cardio Equipment app. Then, press and hold the
iFit Sync button on the console until the LED on the
console turns solid green.
Note: All Bluetooth connections between the con-
sole and other devices (including any tablets, heart
rate monitors, and so forth) will be disconnected.
The console is compatible with all Bluetooth Smart
heart rate monitors.
To connect your Bluetooth Smart heart rate monitor to
the console, press the iFit Sync button on the console;
the console pairing number will appear in the display.
When a connection is established, the LED on the
console will flash red twice.
Note: If there is more than one compatible heart rate
monitor near the console, the console will connect to
the heart rate monitor with the strongest signal.
To disconnect your heart rate monitor from the console,
press and hold the iFit Sync button on the console until
the LED on the console turns solid green.
Note: All Bluetooth connections between the console
and other devices (including any tablets, heart rate
monitors, and so forth) will be disconnected.
The console features a settings mode that allows you
to select a unit of measurement for the console and to
view console usage information.
To select the settings mode, press and hold down the
On/Reset button until the settings mode information
appears in the display.
The console can show pedal-
ing speed and distance in either
miles or kilometers. The upper
display will show the selected
unit of measurement. An E for
English miles or an M for metric
kilometers will appear in the display. To change the unit
of measurement, press the Interval button repeatedly.
Note: When you replace the
batteries, it may be necessary to
reselect the unit of measurement.
Press the Calorie button to view the total distance and
the total time. The center display will show the total
time (in hours) that the console has been used since
the elliptical was purchased. The lower display will
show the total distance (in miles or kilometers) that the
elliptical has been pedaled.
To exit the settings mode, press the Calorie button