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PRO-DESIGN version 1.1 04.08
Manufacturer and seller of the rescue system B-SAFE 140 do not take any liability
for risks in Para- and Hanggliding. Also accidents, loss, improper handling, improper
maintenance, direct and indirect damages, which occur through the use of the rescue
system are in the responsibility of the pilot. It has to be clear to every pilot that this is
a rescue system, which was built to be used as the last chance if you are in an
emergency situation during flight. The rescue chute reduces the sink rate of pilot and
glider (Para- or Hangglider) and makes an emergency landing possible. The use of
the rescue chute has to be seen as a rescue opportunity but does not guarantee a
safe rescue. If the rescue chute is opened for no reason, serious injury for pilot and
damage for the glider can occur, especially at low altitudes.
1. The rescue chute B-SAFE 140 is easy to pack but deviates a little bit from normal
rescue systems. Accuracy is the most important thing packing the chute. The right
sequence of the opening is the most important requirement for a fast and faultless
deployment of the rescue system. This fact was one of the important guidelines
during construction. Our experience is that a simple construction is more functional
and faultless.
Only the right way of packing ensures a fast and save opening. Keep on hold to the
instructions very accurate. Pilots, who are less experienced in packing rescue
systems are recommended to have the rescue chute packed by a professional.
2. To pack the chute in the right way, you need two persons. Moreover you need an
approx 50cm cord, two carbines and tension belts. The rest you are working on
should be clean, dry and should be an even place. The surface should not bring
static charge onto the chute because this could prevent the chute from opening.
3. First make sure that all top skirt lines have the same length and the top forms one
base (Photo 1). The middle lines have to be in the center that the top is pulled
symmetrically during the opening. Make sure that the middle lines are connected with
the top lines correctly (Photo 2). Photo 3 shows the wrong connection, which can
lead to a damage of the lines.
4. Now make sure that the bottom lines are also connected to the chute correctly.
The loops of the bottom lines have to be over the loops of the chute (Photo 4). The
B-SAFE 140 has lines, wich are sewn to the canopy. For the next step you need a
spare line, which has another color than the chute. This line has to be removed later
on. The spare-line has to be put through the packing loops (Photo 5). All together the
spare line should catch as many packing loops as the chute has panels. (B-SAFE
140, 22 panels). Count the packing loops that you do not forget one of them. Only
then the two ends of the spare line are tied together (Photo 6).
5. With the colored middle line the top has now to be towed through the canopy.
6. Attach a carbine to the spare line which runs through the packing loops as a
connection. With the tension belt fix the chute to the area you are working on. Make
sure that the middle lines are as long as the bottom lines. Use this as control for the
top to be towed far enough through the canopy. Make sure that two following bottom
lines are clear over the whole length, from the main bridle to the canopy. If so then all
other lines are also clear (Photo 7). As the next step make sure that the inner bottom
lines lie on the right and left side of the middle-line (Photo 8). Lay down the canopy
so that the panel NR. 1 is on the top of the right side and the last panel (B-SAFE 140: