1. Carefully lift the deck lid and rotate it to
expose the battery compartment.
2. Install a fully charged 7.2-volt Ni-Cd
battery pack into the hull. (Follow the
instructions included with the fast
charger to ensure a safe charge.)
Secure the battery with mounting straps.
3. Connect the battery plug to the
matching connector on the electronic
speed control.
4. Replace the hatch and pilot.
Installation of the 7.2V Ni-Cd Battery
1. Ensure that the antenna tube is properly
out of the hull. It may be necessary to
slightly pull the antenna tube out to make
certain that the radio range is sufficient.
Do not pull the antenna tube out too
far or the tube will pull out of the
hull completely.
2. Turn on the transmitter then the receiver
and check for correct operation. Move the
right stick on the transmitter left and
right. The rudder should move relative to
the stick movement.
3. With the propeller free from any objects,
give some throttle input to ensure that the
motor is working. If everything appears to
be functioning correctly, you are ready to
run your boat! If any of these functions
are reversed, change the respective
reversing switch position.
If you are transporting the boat,
disconnect the battery from the speed
controller and then turn the radio off
until you are ready to run the boat. Once
ready, simply turn the radio on and plug
the battery into the speed controller,
making sure that the throttle stick is in
the neutral position.
Checking the Radio System
Rudder Reversing Switch
Throttle Reversing Switch
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