Printekmobile FieldPro RT43 Series Quick Setup Manual Download Page 2

PN 6355 Rev A

Page 2

© 2006 Printek, Inc. All rights reserved.

PrintekMobile Group, Printek Inc.

Telephone: 888-211-3400

1517 Townline Road, Benton Harbor, MI 49022

FieldPro Model RT43 Quick Setup Guide

FieldPro On-Board Menu

Menu Navigation 

Enter Setup 


Follow instructions for printing test page.  The end of the test page 

printout includes a prompt to press the feed button to enter setup.


Menu choices will print out.  To select (enter) a menu or change the 

most recently printed item, press the power button.

Go To Next 

At any level in the menu structure, press the feed button to go to the 

next item.

Exit Menu 


1 sec

Shortcut - Exit from a menu and go to the next menu 


Exit and Save Changes (if changes have been made).

Power Off 

(from setup menu)


2 sec

Shortcut - To turn the printer off in setup mode and discard any menu 

changes, press and hold the power button for 2 seconds.

Menu Structure

Menu List

Menu Items

Interface Menu

Emulation, Print Interface Settings 

For Serial Interface:  Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, Stop Bits, RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF 

For Bluetooth Interface:  Pairing Mode, Security, Role Policy, Discoverability

For Wi-Fi Interface:  Wi-Fi Default Peer-to-Peer (for more info see operators manual)

Format Menu

Font, Left Margin, Right Margin, Print Contrast, Max Paper Speed, FFeed Distance 

When Using Mark Sensing:  Mark Sensitivity, Top Of Form Adj, Tearbar Adjust

Print All Logos in Memory

Select to print graphic files loaded in flash memory

Options Menu

Left Paper Guide, Rt. Paper Guide, Auto Power Down, Print Promo, Print Header

Hardware Menu

Enter HEX DUMP Mode, Reset to Factory Defaults

Exit Menu Discard Changes

Select to exit the menu without saving

Exit Menu Save Changes

Select to exit the menu while saving


The menus are cyclical and will return to the top of the list after the last item in each menu level.

The on-board menu is for convenience.  Use the PrintekMobile Setup Utility when possible.

For more information on menus see the operator’s manual.


To use the FieldPro for printing 

on PrintekMobile standard 3” 

paper (3.125” wide), insert the 

second paper guide in slot 7.  

This will left align the roll.  

In Options menu, set the “Rt. 

Paper Guide” setting to 7.  

This will insure test pages print 

and margins are measured 


For paper rolls less than 4” 

wide that are not standard 

PrintekMobile rolls, consult 

operators manual for more 

instructions on proper 

installation and configuration.

Left Paper 

Right Paper 

The carrying strap may be converted to a 

belt loop or connected to our Shoulder Strap 

Accessory (PN 91868, sold separately)

Detach the carrying strap, thread behind 

and over belt, and re-attach using the 

two outside velcro pads provided.

Detach the carrying strap, thread through 

the opening on the triangular end of the 

shoulder strap, and re-attach the inside 

velcro pads.

Belt Loop Conversion

Shoulder Strap Attachment

NOTE:  Application software must be 

capable of capturing the magnetic 

card data transferred from the printer.  

See Programmer’s Manual for further 


Correct Card

Swipe Card 
Through in 
Either Direction




Install Second Paper Guide 

(not necessary for standard 4” roll)


Configure Carrying Strap 

(if necessary)

Optional MCR Module






Power Off

Printer turned off 

OR No power available

Power On

Printer turned on, Normal operating state

Printer Standby Printer in standby mode (will wake with data)

Printer Busy

Printer receiving data 

OR Printer is in setup mode


Battery is receiving charge from external power

Battery Low

Battery charge is low, printer is in standby mode

Battery Low

Battery charge is low, printer is in normal operating 


Paper Door Open

Paper door is open, preventing paper 


Paper Out Fault

Paper roll empty or paper not fed 




Problem receiving data.  Turn off 

printer to reset

LED State 

LED On (Illuminated)

LED Slow Blink

LED Rapid Flash

Audible Tone

Control Indicators

Snap Tail 
in First

Front into 

MCR Status Indicator LED
If Illuminated, Indicates 
Ready for Swipe
