figure 1
6. Place Wedge Witch
on a clean sanitized prep
table (a sink area should not be used).
7. Lubricate guide rods before wedging the first
product of the day.
8. Ensure blade assembly is securely in place and
thumbscrews holding the blade assembly in
place are tight.
1. Grasp handle and pull all the way to the end of the
guide rods.
2. Center product to be wedged on centering pin located
on blade assembly. See figure 4.
Blades are extremely sharp.
Handle with care.
3. Push handle down with a quick firm stroke until the
pusher head stops. The product should be com-
pletely wedged. See figure 5.
1. After you have removed the Wedge Witch
from the
carton, inspect the unit for signs of damage. If there
is damage to the unit:
Notify carrier within 24 hours after delivery.
Save carton and packing materials for inspection
Contact the Prince Castle Customer Sales
Department at 1-800-722-7853 to arrange for
a replacement to be sent.
2. Verify that all parts have been received.
Blades are extremely sharp.
3. Wash and core tomatoes with Prince Castle Model
No. 953 Tomato Core-It
. See figure 1.
4. To keep lemons and limes from hanging up in the
blades cut off ends. See figure 2.
5. To obtain smaller sections, slice product in half
before wedging. See figure 3.
figure 3
figure 2
figure 4
figure 5