seconds after the first interrogation howl you have five coyotes on a dead run coming right at you at 50 yards {like
we had happen on the Truth 8 DVD} you can hit the hot button set on the KIYI and try to slow or stop the charging
coyotes for better shot opportunities {we killed 3 of those coyotes}. Any time during these sets you can pause the
caller if you want to wait longer between sounds or forward it to later in the set or even go back to a previous
sound. Let’s look at the 6 calling sets I built for you.
Coyote cottontail set:
Most predator callers don't wait long enough after they howl to let the coyotes respond by howling back to you or
coming in. So after the interrogation howls we will wait 2 min. You can pause for a longer wait if you like. I like to
answer the initial howls with more howls because it sounds more realistic and can rev up the coyotes more. During
the cottontail distress be ready with the hot buttons. I usually do pup or coyote distress at the end of sets if
nothing else works, but you must remember any time you change sounds during sets you must give that coyote
time to get there if he has hung up to your previous calling.
Coyote jack set [Alpha Dogg Only]:
This time after the interrogation howls I follow with female invitation howls. When hunting small areas or if you
are going back to the same spots you have called before, it's good to change things up a little. After using my initial
distress for a while I like to follow up with a second distress sound to help move the coyote along. On this set I go
to the baby jack.
Coyote fawn set [Alpha Dogg Only]:
After the initial female invitation howls I go to the serenade howls. Remember the coyotes will often answer back
to the serenade howls any time of the day but can also be coming on the run to them like you see on my DVD'S, so
be ready. Callers need to use the fawn sounds more because I've even called in coyotes and does in the dead of
winter. You can also howl later in the sets like we do on this one with the young answer howl. We even use a
domestic pup distress this time to try and shake that ole coyote loose.
Denning set:
Coyotes give birth to pups usually between the end of March and the beginning of June. We start this set out with
female invitation howls because these howls from the mother coyote will gather her pups for whatever reason,
let’s say to take them hunting for prey. So be ready after these howls for some higher pitched pup answer howls or
the pups themselves coming in. Don't forget the adult male coyote, he may also respond. The pup in distress or
pup frenzy sounds not only will call in mom and dad coyote, but will also call in pups and other coyotes not in the
immediate family group.
Territorial set:
Coyote adult breeding pairs stake out an area and try to protect it from other coyotes mainly because they don't
like other coyotes stealing their rabbits or prey animals that they will eventually be feeding their pups. They will
warn other coyotes with challenge howls first and then come in to actually run these intruders off physically. So on
this set we are imitating two coyotes challenging back and forth and then battling, thus the KIYI sounds. Don't be
surprised if during any of these calling sets you here a coyote challenge for
you. Then you can opt out of the set
you are in and go right to this set.
Mating set:
We start this set with a female coyote howling and then answer her with male interrogation howls. In the real
coyote world the males have to find the females either by just roaming around or coming to her howls. So we are
trying here to drum up this scenario. When the female coyote gets physically ready to breed, she will then really
start inviting the male in. If the male is there and tries to breed her too early she can make a whimpering sound.
We also put in KIYI's because other males can come in to her also and battle her. The crazy thing about this is you
don't just call in the males; you can also call in other females and all kinds of coyotes. On one of my DVD's you can
watch 13 coyotes running all around me.
If you have any questions you can purchase my Mastering the Art DVD for more instruction. Thanks and Good