Adaptive AutoBias™
Exclusive to PrimaLuna, this circuit monitors and smoothly adjusts bias constantly and instantly. The
genius of this design is that the Adaptive AutoBias™ actually improves the overall sound quality and
performance of the amp. Between 12 and 30 Watts, measured distortion levels drop by over 40%. In
addition, tubes do not have to be matched, and there is no bias (re-)adjustments needed, ever.
Furthermore, the PrimaLuna is equipped with Soft-start™, which brings the amplifier on line slowly to
prolong the life of internal components, including the tubes. This makes the PrimaLuna a joy to own
and operate.
While matched tubes are not a requirement, it is still recommended if you want to get the very best
results. You can get the very best in replacement tubes as well as rare vintage NOS (New Old Stock)
tubes from us and other parties if you wish to upgrade. In the USA, Upscale Audio's inventory of New
Old Stock tubes is the largest you can find. Elsewhere, independent suppliers can assist you to make
your best choice.
PhonoLogue phono stage (optional)
Your ProLogue One integrated amplifier comes without a phonostage, but we have a high quality
optional internal phono stage available. The PhonoLogue phono stage can be installed at any time by
your dealer or any qualified person.
The PhonoLogue MM phono stage with RIAA equalization, requires no extra plugs or connectors. It fits
(by soldering) on the existing RCA's of one of the inputs. It provides superior sound quality on a tiny
footprint. We use Surface Mount Technology implementation for shortest signal paths as well as
minimum parasitic capacitances and inductances. Excellent parts throughout, selected on sound
quality as first priority: miniature film capacitors, minimelf resistors, superior opamp for highest
accuracy, lowest noise, highest speed and most robust drive capabilities into the RIAA correction
stage, resulting in a very detailed, open and lifelike sound from any LP record. Low impedance
electrolytics, super low-noise powersupply. Dimensions: small as a big stamp!
Input Impedance:
50 kOhm
Frequency Response:
10Hz - 50kHz
RIAA accuracy:
<0,5B 20Hz - 20kHz
Overload Margin:
>20dB rel 5mV
Harmonic Distortion & noise:
3,2 x 3,8 cm (1.26" x 1.5")
ProLogue One